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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

thinking up clever titles is hard...

It seems like it would be appropriate to outline here how I spent my winter vacation, as seems to be the style on other peoples blogs. However, I honestly dont remember what I did on most of the days. Therefore some of what follows may be slightly incorect, highly exagerated, or flat out made up:

Christmas Eve I went home to my parents for a while and then went to Elizabeths to exchange gifts with her Moms side of the family and then go to midnight mass. Midnight mass was interesting. Apparently Christmas is a holiday based on the birth of some dude named "Jesus". What the hell kind of name is that? And why are my birthdays never this sweet? Then I went back to my parents to sleep.

Xmas morning I woke up and to my surprize, someone had left wrapped gifts under the tree that we had erected in our living room. so that was sweet. Then I went to Elizabeths Grand parents house and got drunk with her Dad's side of the family. They might be a bunch of republicans, but they are fun to hang out with.

The bulk of the next week was spent sleeping, playing Myst IV which I got for xmas, and watching movies, both at home and at my parents. I saw : the newest harry potter, clerks(uncut version + animated funeral scene, spectacular), supersize me (a must see), Farenhype 911 (a counter to farentHEIGHT 911, and surprizingly well done, even if it does have Ann Coulter and Zell Miller in it... at least makes you have to defend your opinions against some valids counter arguments), napoleon dynamite (not as good as expected, but still entertaining), and a bunch of seinfeld episodes on DVD.

friday we had our new years eve party. we had more peopel over than expected since no one RSVPed, but still probly less that 2 years ago when we were in commons for new years. Elizabeth had to be at work at 7am so had to go to bed right after midnight. then we had a few mninor medical emergencies all at the same time, which was fun. Some guy we didnt know vomitted in our bathtub.... Anyway, I stayed up till Elizabeth got up so I could make her breakfast. in the meantime, Germy Ducore and Meghan got all cuddly/makeouty, a state they would stay in for about 24 consecutive hours, which was interesting. by the end of the night, it was myself, Karen, Karen's freind Kathleen, and Colin still awake. Karen and Kathleen gave us money and got myslef and Colin to go to 711 for them. I went because I was bored and liked the prospect of free food. I think colin went cause he wanted to hook up with Kathleen, but I really dont know. All I know was that that wasnt why I went, Kathleen was a bit skanky, and annoying, and vulgar. oh yeah, and my beautiful girlfreind was sleeping upstairs. I went to bed at like 6:30 and got up at like 12:30, at which point an afternoon of sitting around watching the news, and then chapelles show season 1 began, and for hours no one left the couches. I got bored and eventually took the dog for a walk and did some programming, but the rest of my friends are lazy fucks.

Ok, well that actually turned out being pretty accurate sounding, and despite my best intentions, I didnt make anything up. damnit.oh well.

Oh, in other news, my computer died again... I think the power supply and motehrboard are shot. the disks seem fine though, which is a big relief. i put a new power supply in and it starts to boot but hangs at "reading VRAM" or something to that effect. fucking computer. This is the third time in like a year that the poser supply died, and the MoBo and CPU are only like 2 years old. damn my luck.


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