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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yippie for camera phones

So I have been seeing stories everywhere about this guy in the library at UCLA who was tazed by police when he didn't show them his student ID, and then was on his way out of the library. It sounded pretty screwed up, and like perhaps the cops acted out of line. Today I finally got around to watching the video (Thank god for camera phones I guess). The video is much worse than I had imagined. There is no way that repeatedly tazing him could have been justified (they tazed him for not obeying their commands to get up after he had just been shocked and most likely couldn't move). They then threatened to taze the bystanders who asked for their badge numbers (which I'm pretty sure they are required to give). I know sometimes people get all upset when police overact, but its just as much the victims fault as theirs. But this is different. The dude wasn't even under arrest and under no obligation to listen to them in the first place (and was on his way out the door no less), and then was tazed again after he was handcuffed... In front of a large crowd of camera-phone wielding college kids. At least the guys who roughed up Rodney King had the decency to do it in front of only a Police Car dash cam. At least you can try and cover that up. Anyway, hopefully this gets a lot of press, and the cops get in some trouble. Anyway here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CdNgoC0cE

Another story involving camera phones getting someone in a lot of trouble is Michael Richards (AKA Kramer)'s racist tirade at a comedy club last weekend. Some hecklers pissed him off and he went off on them using the dreaded N-word many a time. Some people in the audience got it on their camera phones and it became a big news story. Anyway, He apologized last night on Letterman, and it seems like he was sincerely sorry (at least more so than Mel Gibson was). Here is the link to the apology, which is pretty hard to watch (as is the footage of the tirade) for any fan of Kramer. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9107547518165183938


Blogger alex said...

By the way, you don't happen to know Maud and Dorothy Partridge, of Baltimore, do you? metoprolol Stunning pretty girls, both of them, and no end of swells.. He glanced at the orange-colored Jim Crow with distaste, and inspiration, dawning slowly upon him, swept all other thought before it in its great viagra and growing glory.. Suppose the patient is provigil suffering from intense morbid dread.. I made no reply, but was turning to leave the office, when the merchant called after me-- 'My young friend, poor people should never suffer themselves to evista get into pets.. Picked toprol myself up this mornin'.. He had been fed well, too well; he was growing rich, too rich; he had all the praise, all the flattery that his hydrocodone enormous appetite for approval desired, and too much of it.. So, their meeting passed off without synthroid the explanation which Miss Bangle began to fear would cut short her benevolent amusement.. Howe, in The Cambridge History cialis of American Literature , Vol.. It was the custom of the Colonel apap to act first, and justify the action by reason afterwards.. Such are the composite and mixed persons, metronidazole the extraordinary mixed figures, creations comparable with the fantastic animal compositions of Orientals; a moment's thought and these are reduced to unity, whilst the fancies of the dream are ever formed anew in an inexhaustible profusion.. Oh, the seat, I mean. percocet. At ten o'clock the gas will be turned off, and no further Puns, Conundrums, or other play on words will be imitrex allowed to be uttered, or to be uttered aloud.. He called at the grocery; he invaded the recesses of the dry-goods establishments; he ransacked the hardware stores; and wherever he went he made life a burden for the clerks, overhauling show-cases and pulling down whole shelves of viagra stock.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought dilaudid of.. This nasty situation became righted in her dream, and she grew so big that the bed now became too small actos for her...

1:12 PM  
Blogger alex said...

By the way, you don't happen to know Maud and Dorothy Partridge, of Baltimore, do you? xanax Stunning pretty girls, both of them, and no end of swells.. He glanced at the orange-colored Jim Crow with distaste, and inspiration, dawning slowly upon him, swept all other thought before it in its great norco and growing glory.. Suppose the patient is zantac suffering from intense morbid dread.. I made no reply, but was turning to leave the office, when the merchant called after me-- 'My young friend, poor people should never suffer themselves to glucophage get into pets.. Picked prozac myself up this mornin'.. He had been fed well, too well; he was growing rich, too rich; he had all the praise, all the flattery that his vicodin enormous appetite for approval desired, and too much of it.. So, their meeting passed off without lithium the explanation which Miss Bangle began to fear would cut short her benevolent amusement.. Howe, in The Cambridge History magnesium of American Literature , Vol.. It was the custom of the Colonel warfarin to act first, and justify the action by reason afterwards.. Such are the composite and mixed persons, dopamine the extraordinary mixed figures, creations comparable with the fantastic animal compositions of Orientals; a moment's thought and these are reduced to unity, whilst the fancies of the dream are ever formed anew in an inexhaustible profusion.. Oh, the seat, I mean. dopamine. At ten o'clock the gas will be turned off, and no further Puns, Conundrums, or other play on words will be calcium allowed to be uttered, or to be uttered aloud.. He called at the grocery; he invaded the recesses of the dry-goods establishments; he ransacked the hardware stores; and wherever he went he made life a burden for the clerks, overhauling show-cases and pulling down whole shelves of provigil stock.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought pseudoephedrine of.. This nasty situation became righted in her dream, and she grew so big that the bed now became too small aspirin for her...

9:56 PM  
Blogger alex said...

By the way, you don't happen to know Maud and Dorothy Partridge, of Baltimore, do you? cialis Stunning pretty girls, both of them, and no end of swells.. He glanced at the orange-colored Jim Crow with distaste, and inspiration, dawning slowly upon him, swept all other thought before it in its great norvasc and growing glory.. Suppose the patient is prozac suffering from intense morbid dread.. I made no reply, but was turning to leave the office, when the merchant called after me-- 'My young friend, poor people should never suffer themselves to vicodin get into pets.. Picked aspirin myself up this mornin'.. He had been fed well, too well; he was growing rich, too rich; he had all the praise, all the flattery that his alprazolam enormous appetite for approval desired, and too much of it.. So, their meeting passed off without thyroid the explanation which Miss Bangle began to fear would cut short her benevolent amusement.. Howe, in The Cambridge History lithium of American Literature , Vol.. It was the custom of the Colonel zyprexa to act first, and justify the action by reason afterwards.. Such are the composite and mixed persons, morphine the extraordinary mixed figures, creations comparable with the fantastic animal compositions of Orientals; a moment's thought and these are reduced to unity, whilst the fancies of the dream are ever formed anew in an inexhaustible profusion.. Oh, the seat, I mean. estradiol. At ten o'clock the gas will be turned off, and no further Puns, Conundrums, or other play on words will be hydrocodone allowed to be uttered, or to be uttered aloud.. He called at the grocery; he invaded the recesses of the dry-goods establishments; he ransacked the hardware stores; and wherever he went he made life a burden for the clerks, overhauling show-cases and pulling down whole shelves of calcium stock.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought celexa of.. This nasty situation became righted in her dream, and she grew so big that the bed now became too small lipitor for her...

5:27 AM  
Blogger alex said...

By the way, you don't happen to know Maud and Dorothy Partridge, of Baltimore, do you? haldol Stunning pretty girls, both of them, and no end of swells.. He glanced at the orange-colored Jim Crow with distaste, and inspiration, dawning slowly upon him, swept all other thought before it in its great ciprofloxacin and growing glory.. Suppose the patient is lyrica suffering from intense morbid dread.. I made no reply, but was turning to leave the office, when the merchant called after me-- 'My young friend, poor people should never suffer themselves to cialis get into pets.. Picked detrol myself up this mornin'.. He had been fed well, too well; he was growing rich, too rich; he had all the praise, all the flattery that his aspirin enormous appetite for approval desired, and too much of it.. So, their meeting passed off without lortab the explanation which Miss Bangle began to fear would cut short her benevolent amusement.. Howe, in The Cambridge History potassium of American Literature , Vol.. It was the custom of the Colonel acetaminophen to act first, and justify the action by reason afterwards.. Such are the composite and mixed persons, calcium the extraordinary mixed figures, creations comparable with the fantastic animal compositions of Orientals; a moment's thought and these are reduced to unity, whilst the fancies of the dream are ever formed anew in an inexhaustible profusion.. Oh, the seat, I mean. adderall. At ten o'clock the gas will be turned off, and no further Puns, Conundrums, or other play on words will be insulin allowed to be uttered, or to be uttered aloud.. He called at the grocery; he invaded the recesses of the dry-goods establishments; he ransacked the hardware stores; and wherever he went he made life a burden for the clerks, overhauling show-cases and pulling down whole shelves of thyroid stock.. In order to disguise her wish she had obviously selected a situation in which wishes of that sort are commonly suppressed--a situation which is so filled with sorrow that love is not thought lupron of.. This nasty situation became righted in her dream, and she grew so big that the bed now became too small metformin for her...

10:22 AM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

5:05 AM  

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