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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Crappy excuse for a post

I took this quiz and thougth it was kinda interesting:
You Are 40% American
America: You don't love it or want to leave it.
But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over.
On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead...
And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!

yeah, i'm 40% american... I work with a brittish guy who has a green card and got a 42.. thats kinda sad.

Then I got carried away and did a bunch more:

You Are an Emo Rocker!

Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding.

Yeah, I hate Emo.... I dont know how they figured that one

Your Summer Anthem is Best Of You by the Foo Fighters

I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again
Somewhere new

While you may seem bright on the outside, your insides have a distinct angst flavor.

Well, at least I didnt get hallarback girl or that crap ass banana song for my summer anthem... Foo fighters I can deal with

Your Daddy Is Pedro Martinez

What You Call Him: Daddy Dearest
Why You Love Him: He takes you to Disneyland

HAHAHA.... I dont get it, but its freakin funny.

You are

HAHA, once again, HILARIOUS

You Are 22 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

That one was actually kinda interestign because they guessed my age only one year off. creeepy

and finally some amusing links:

Also, we are having a party friday, so come.


Blogger Anna said...

"Well, at least I didnt get hallarback girl or that crap ass banana song for my summer anthem..."

They are the same song. See lyrics here: http://www.shopireland.ie/forum/about63.html

7:51 PM  
Blogger aducore said...

I'm 39% American, an Indie Rocker, and I go by Holiday by Green Day, and Ozzy Osbourne is my "Pops". My color is "time 'o the month" red, and I act like I'm 29. Everything there is great except my color; that's just gross.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu

12:47 PM  

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