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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

ambiguous attack at an unnamed person (aka Tim gets a reason to blog at 1 am)

Honestly, I mean no personal offense by this:

Some people who I live with enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing. They take a stand on some issue that they feel they have intellectual superiority on and argue it till the bitter end. This is all well and good, and can be a great way to pass a few hours and get a little more mental stimulation than watching TV. No doubt that said person is an excellent arguer, and that is to their credit, but this arguing can be a major pain in the ass. You see, some people don't like to argue. And in some situations, even those who have volunteered themselves into arguments before may just want some peace and quiet, or perhaps to play a game of poker without their intelligence being impuned. Look, I know you have a way of doing things that you think everyone else should adopt, and thats fine. But not everyone thinks like you and thats the way it should be. Some people think artistically, and some logically, and some emotionally. Personally, I dont know which of those categories I fall into, but it doesnt matter. I dont mind arguing, and usually I welcome it. Some other people dont, and sometimes I dont. You need to learn where to draw the line, and read when someone just wants a conversation, not a lecture. I have seen far too many situations where your steadfast stance or determination to win an argument have hurt other people, and I dont think you notice that. Personally I dont get angry or hurt very easily, but others do.

Once again, not a personal attack, but a counter to your complaints about how I conduct myself.

Ok, that was some good fun catharsis. hurry up and comment before I remove this post.


Blogger aducore said...

Where do you get all this "intellectual superiority" from? I never said I was smarter than you or that you were an idiot for using some strategy. This is what I'm talking about when I say that people twist the things I say around into personal attacks. All I was saying in my post was that if you want the conversation ended, end it yourself. Don't expect me to know you want to stop if you keep arguing. As smart as I may think I am, I know I'm not a mind reader.

10:39 AM  
Blogger aducore said...

Perhaps over most of the population. I despise my intellectual superiority over my friends. There. Is that arrogant enough for you?

12:08 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Fuzzy, when you criticize it often sounds like a personal attack and you won't stop until you've throughly pissed off a person. You may not think that you're intentionally trying to be mean, but most of them time you get way too intense and sometimes violent (remember breaking the pillow on Paul's face?). You may think you have noble reasons for arguing and that your intention might be to help someone, but your actions do not come across that way.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

That comment should have probably been on Fuzzy's blog. Oh well. I thought I'd give some support to Tim since you're continuing to pick at this thing when you're probably wrong and have probably pissed off Tim pretty completely to have him (probably one of the nicests and most laid back person I know) gripe about it and carry on about it on multiple blogs.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes. I am a victim. feel bad for me.

Man, I need to complain about stuff more often. I get nice compliments like "nicest and most laid back person I know". I like this.

11:39 AM  

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