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Friday, June 18, 2004

pictrues moved

my picture page has moved to cuz comcast sucks..... anyway, france is interesting but i dont have time to say anything about it. I will later


Thursday, June 10, 2004

freedom fries anyone?

So I am going to France on Friday until June 28th. Hopefully you all wont miss me too much. I really do kinda feel bad leaving everyone and its gonna suck to be away for so long. But I'm also looking forward to it. It should be interesting, not just because visiting new places always is, but also with the whole current view that France sucks that is prevalent in the U.S. and the whole America tellign the whole world to fuck off over Iraq and stuff, it will be interesting to actually talk to Europeans and see how they feel about these things. Hopefully i can be a good representative of the U.S., although I have considered buyign a "Dont mess with Texas" t-shirt just for shits and giggles.

Anyway, It you care what I am up to in France, I will be trying to post pictures from my new digital camera online for all to see. They will be posted at asuming my computer at home doesnt decide to fuck up on me and I can find enough public computers with broadband connections in France. I will also try and write in this here blog if I get a chance.

I really am going to miss Elizabeth who is incredebly awesome and it really sucks that I am going to France with my family and not her. Anyone who knows my family knows that spending any time with them is quite an experience in itself. Anyway, I promise I wont hook up with any dirty hariy french chicks if you promise not to hook up with Ducore. I love you and I will call you a lot and bring you back lots of cool suveneirs to make up for me being gone.

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