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Monday, August 29, 2005

al clerkda

This is hillarious. Its a short play about terrorists plotting to attack the DC metro, but the whole thing is like clerks-esque banter. Kinda makes you happy that the metro sucks so bad.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Compton didnt represent quite as much as I expected.

So, monday I got back from 10 days in California. I spent like 4 of them in LA visiting my cousin and his wife and kid, and then drove around the area doing sightseeing and such. Of course I was with my family, which can sometimes grow old after a little while, but it was good times nonetheless. For anyone who cares, there are pictures of the trip here .

Highlights included:

-my one year old cousin once removed who seems to enjoy barking like a dog
-being told by my cousin that he and his brother used to get me to sing "Karma Chameleon" by Culture Club when I was really young. I guess I should blame them for all of my problems and send them a bill for the therapy.
-driving through the slums of LA where my pale ass family were the only white people for blocks... I dont think I actually went into Compton, but I was close. There was one "Jack In The Box" (a west coast burger joint) that had bank style bullet proof glass over the counter. I thought that was pretty cool. I had to get my value meal through like an airlock dealy where only one side could be open at a time to prevent me from putting my 9 through and popping a cap or two. My biggest complaint about this part of the city is that I did not once see any souped up cars with hydrolics. I saw one car that looked like it might be sporting them and as it drove into the distance kept praying it would bounce just a little for me... my hopes were shattered.
-seeing the outside of the scientology headquarters in Hollywood. Nothing against the religion... its no less legitimate than say mormonism, but any religion that has hollywood as its Mecca and Tom Cruise as its messanger strikes me as bizzare. Of course they do have Isaac Hayes and Jason Lee, so I dont know what to think.
-The beaches. They were pretty cool and a lot different than eastern ones. lots of palm trees and there are mountains and cliffs right up to the water in some places. very picturesque.
-driving through beverly hills and BelAir. Didnt see the fresh prince, but man, those neighborhoods were nice. Wouldnt mind living there if I had a shitload of money.
-the big ass sequoia trees. Its kinda crazy to think that these trees have been around for thousands of years. It is a testement to the majesty of mother nature. Also they are freaking ginormous.
-Jetskiing. Ah, the seminal white trash pastime of circling a lake for no particular reason except to polute the water. Actually it was pretty fun, but like a dumbass, I forgot to take my sunglasses off, and at 40 mph I turned my head slightly and they flew off. Those were persctiption sunglasses too. son of a bitch.

well thats about all I can think of that anyone cares about. Oh, to change the topic, You know how back in like October I wrote a post bitching about how I got yelled at for having a Kerry sticker on my cubicle at work? well I typed "link tgoff.blogspot.com" into google to see if anyone was linking to my blog, and apparently that post was linked on a webpage called "Offshoring Digest: Offshore Outsourcing for the Entrepreneur". I dont know how to feel about that. I think someone took me seriously and thought my comments about outsourcing in that post were worthy of note. They were obviously wrong.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

ambiguous attack at an unnamed person (aka Tim gets a reason to blog at 1 am)

Honestly, I mean no personal offense by this:

Some people who I live with enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing. They take a stand on some issue that they feel they have intellectual superiority on and argue it till the bitter end. This is all well and good, and can be a great way to pass a few hours and get a little more mental stimulation than watching TV. No doubt that said person is an excellent arguer, and that is to their credit, but this arguing can be a major pain in the ass. You see, some people don't like to argue. And in some situations, even those who have volunteered themselves into arguments before may just want some peace and quiet, or perhaps to play a game of poker without their intelligence being impuned. Look, I know you have a way of doing things that you think everyone else should adopt, and thats fine. But not everyone thinks like you and thats the way it should be. Some people think artistically, and some logically, and some emotionally. Personally, I dont know which of those categories I fall into, but it doesnt matter. I dont mind arguing, and usually I welcome it. Some other people dont, and sometimes I dont. You need to learn where to draw the line, and read when someone just wants a conversation, not a lecture. I have seen far too many situations where your steadfast stance or determination to win an argument have hurt other people, and I dont think you notice that. Personally I dont get angry or hurt very easily, but others do.

Once again, not a personal attack, but a counter to your complaints about how I conduct myself.

Ok, that was some good fun catharsis. hurry up and comment before I remove this post.

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